Sunday, June 20, 2010

A good prank?

I'm gonna be pranking my friend for her birthday, it's sort of become a tradition now. For my birthday sleepover, when I feel asleep they painted my hair pink with washable paint. Now I need something even better, but can't think of anything right now. Any ideas?

A good prank?


buy a washable black marker and draw some doodles on her and tell her it's permanent


Throw glitter and bits of confetti on her. The glitter is kinda messy though.. It sticks right to the skin


Wrap her around with toilet rolls


get a big box large enough to cover her in it. When she wakes up, she'll be shocked to be trapped. You can even video her trying to get out. Just make sure you cut some holes for her to breath in.

A good prank?

Buy the same pair of her favourite jeans or top, cut the one you bought and hide her one.

A good prank?

the oldest sleep over trick in the book after she falls asleep freeze her bra, panties, socks anything small that she needs to wear. Wet them then stick em in the freezer. LOL it sucks for her.

A good prank?

How about supergluing her clothes to the bed? ^_^

A good prank?

Glow in the dark make-up

A good prank?

make the same sleepover and when she get sleep paint all her face with real glitter make up , do the lips and the eyeliner. the blush and everythin.. and do her hair really funny.. dont forget to dress her like a fairy or somethin cute then take some picture so you can remember that funny nite..

A good prank?

the best prank ever is as follows:

1. wake her up in the middle of the night (after she has fallen asleep and you guys have watched scary movies)

2. have one of your other friends dress up and hide behind a corner

3. when your friend comes around the corner have the one in hiding stalk her a little and then grab her and scare the crap out of her

its priceless and make sure you have someone else with a camera for the recap

A good prank?

Rigging a Bottle of Diet Coke with Mentos ? lol,

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